Thoughts on home...

I adore this kitchen snapshot, it's the perfect blend of old and new.  I especially like the black glass cabinetry and the beautifully displayed silver collection on the fridge.
I think a home feels more complete when it's infused with a bit of history. Vintage finds are more easily found now with the growth of Etsy, and 1st dibs but I still love to scour flea markets when I have a free Sunday, especially during the warmer months. 

Sterling silver and silver plate serve and barware look beautiful layered with everyday collections.
I've decided when I move I'd like to invest in some new flatware. I want to ditch the set I had when I was married, it was one of the only items my ex contributed to our new home together and he had no interest in taking it when he split. I might buy an inexpensive bamboo inspired set but I also want to begin to collect monogrammed silver (+ silver plate) pieces.. I could go the formal route and collect only "R"'s for Richard (my last name) but I also think it could be fun to collect E's, (it seems to be a popular letter in vintage flatware, J's and C's). (our first initials)

This Etsy site has an evolving collection of flatware and vintage housewares.

image via Eddie Ross

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