Love the Look

Hello loves, I'm never trying to be a downer over here on Shelter but the last few weeks have felt more like North Dakota then Boston. I'd love to post Springy "love the look" inspiration much like last weeks but the reality of it is, it's frigid here.  I think what really kills me is the wind, it's soooo windy lately! It blows right through this Northern girl's clearly wimpy ass.. ;) When I'm not in my Lulu Lemon yoga pants (honestly) you'll catch me wearing a LOT of black this time of year. I can't wear my ballet flats yet but hopefully I'll break them out soon.
Can O.P. (right image) do any wrong fashion wise? I always love her look, I guess it helps that she's drop dead gorgeous and a twig! She's always an aesthetic inspiration. Above is a typical "look" I'd wear to a client meeting, minus that Givenchy bag of course, don't get me wrong I'd LOVE to own one but I'd have to do some serious penny pinching to justify the purchase at this point!! On a positive note, the one great thing about this time of year??  The sales, you can score some serious clothing deals right now. I'd take a beach over a sale any day. Keep Warm. xx

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