The cape trend. I'm not sure I'd wear one enough. I do love the look though, her entire outfit is fab. |
Where I can find these colorful catch all's, for a client table top. {styling projects is so fun}(image: Style Court)
When to hit the road today. I'm heading up to Vermont with my little ones for the weekend.. |
How if I ever have enough dough to buy a house in Nantucket, then I'll surely have enough extra cash to pick up a vintage Jeep Wagoneer. This 1973 version recently sold for around $13,000. Sweet.
I am of course contemplating bigger life issues, like world hunger, politics etc. but I prefer to keep this blog on the light side. I'll leave the tough topics to The Times.. |
image 1:
The Bottom of the Ironing Basket, Packed Wagoneer :
Mary Ruffle