Girly Moments..

The "I just had a new baby" fog is finally starting to lift + just in time for the warm weather! Don't get me wrong things are still crazy,{yoga pants and multiple sweatshirt + long sleeve tee changes are still my daily routine} but I've actually starting working here and there. It's so nice to feel a part of society again! {new Mom's will know exactly what I am talking about} I've also started to think about my daughter's room. {my frequent readers already know I haven't had a chance work on Emerson's nursery, but have so many ideas}, stay tuned for updates..I'll leave you with a few sweet, girly moments to start your day!

I have loved this room from the moment it was feaured in Domino. {Ashley Stark's home}

I could have used this service yesterday.

Images: Pink Wallpaper, Laurie Frankel, Deborah Jaffe, Deborah Jaffe, MoodBoard, Habitually Chic, This is Glamorous, lala lovely things, Design Darling

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