Currently loving...

my new "hands free" baby sling, {thank you to my dear friend Lauren C.}, it is the only thing allowing me to steal a few minutes to scan the web and post my blog these days {I'm still officially on maternity leave} are a few more items on my favorites list this week!

Ines Fressange's style sense {I've actually admired the fashion model's layered style savvy since seeing her home in the final issue Domino} these images are a great motivator for me to whip myself back into shape.{although I will never look this tiny, I like food too much!} images: The Selby

My chic new diaper bag, from Stella McCartney's line for Adidas. {it's not actually a diaper bag, I think that's why I like it sooo much!}

Today's post on Fric and Frac. Every image lifted my spirits. I keep reminding myself that Spring is around the corner!

{i would switch out the bulbs for a round style}

All the goodies on Fyndes...these are a few of the items that would work at my house right now. Style Court initially brought my attention to this fabulous site full of vintage {some are actually affordable} finds...

Hope you are having a great day!