Finding inspiration at the LA mart... January

I truly enjoy going to market, no matter where you go it is very inspirational.  There are so many talented creative minds that work on the showrooms it is really a treat to see most of the time.  This past weekend we visited the LA Mart for the show and found some great new pieces and some really great displays.  

Two's and Tozai never disappoint!  This book display was amazing!

The Walls in this room were painted gold and were super cool.

Love the paper runner- great idea!

I think I need this even if I have no place for it, so sculptural and cool!

Our best seller the star pendant with mirror.. love!

This is my favorite chandelier and I have been desperately trying to find a special place for something like this.. I know that one day it will happen.

I am off to Las Vegas for the furniture show there today, wish me luck!

images by christina fluegge for greige


If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!

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