Beauty Buzz

Hello, Hello!  Ugh, Do you all feel as yuck as I do this time of year?  I've had a cold for what feels like forever now and my work out schedule has been almost non-existent. I need to get back on track. It's high time for a bit of pampering this week to help beat the winter blues. Here's the run down on the shared shots.

1. I have a little museum date with a boy on Saturday afternoon and am also meeting up with various friends over the weekend. I want to buy a new gloss with a hint of pink to fluff up my lips before then. I may try this plumping Buxom in peach sorbet. I'm loving the look of that model's lips. Lucky lady.
2. I also have a trim and a highlight tomorrow. I'm showing the stylist Sienna's layered locks and color.
3. Ahh, got to love the top knot, both messy and chic versions work for me. My assistant whipped my hair up in about two seconds last week.. Now I need to figure out how to perfect it like she did. I always prefer my hair when someone else style's it.
4. What I wouldn't do for a spot like these to primp and prime in the a.m. On my wish list? A vanity with a gorgeous over sized mirror above it.

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