I heart yellow!

I just received this amazing letter pressed poster for my photo wall. I ordered it through Made By Girl. The artist is Hijirik.

I know this is nothing new...but I love yellow! When I am looking to add the perfect pop for a client, I usually go with yellow! It works with most colors and in small doses, never disappoints! Here are some recent yellow finds in my life!

I've always had this house in the back of my mind. I originally read about Sixx Design and their amazing get away via O at Home {now defunct} but was recently chatting about it with an e-design client. When she mentioned the home, I knew what she was referring to instantly! LOVE IT! My house is yellow..I am dying to paint the front and back doors high gloss navy for an instant update!

for the wardrobe..not an everyday shade, but on a warm summer day with a hint of tan! - Perfection! {also love that art work behind Ms. Kelly!}

I own a jacket very similar to this one! I grabbed it at Old Navy a while ago.

A shot of my closet! I found the lucite stool on ebay and had the yellow top made. The artwork is by yours truly!

images: Made By Girl, Pink Wallpaper scan, Dress Design Decor - jkt shot, Molly Ferguson - my home.

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