Which style are you?

I thoroughly enjoyed this month's issue of House Beautiful, especially fun was this breakdown of the most seen design styles today. Do you gravitate towards one? I'd say I'm an even blend of "The Glams" + "The Accessorators" with a bit of "The Ruralists" here and there for natural beauty and texture!

The Glams:
As defined in H.B.: Sexy, intense, theatrical. More is more: Turn up the color volume, pile on the bling, add a little Baroque or Roman Empire. The Gods: Kelly Wearstler, Tony Duquette, Jamie Drake, and Diamond-Baratta.

The New Victorians:
As defined by H.B.: AKA Steampunkian. The moody hipster, via East London or Seattle. Dark, Atmospheric, smoky, layeread. The found object, the reliquary, is king. Essential: The Edison Bulb. The Gods: Roman and Williams Architects.

The Accessorators:
As defined by H.B.: Tradition withouth the chintz. A flirtly, colorful mix, with a keen fashion eye. The Gods: Miles Redd, Celerie Kemble. Go to blogs: The Peak of Chic, Judi Roaman's accessorator.com, Emilyevanseerdmans.blogspot.com

The Ruralists:
As defined by H.B.: Global Country, pure, sophisticated, modern. Key Words: Artisanal, handmade, locavore. Must Haves: Fire Bowl or outdoor room, miles of linen. The Gods: Axel Vervoordt. McAlpine Tankersley Architects. Go to blogs: Rural Intelligence, Cote de texas

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