This snapshot is so clean, each piece looks better than the next. I love fashion, clothing and shoes, with the best of them, but to think of all the money I have wasted on what I thought at the time, was an amazing bargain, kills only what you love + what loves your body type!

I know, I know, every year the plan is to organize your life, closet + home...
This year I am determined to make it work...Here are some ways to get you started!

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris

-If only I had the extra storage and dresser to sort my jewelry like this!
-Organize your clothing by color, everything will be much easier to locate!!
I'm all for layering beautiful objects within a room, just know when to stop, these rooms are perfectly edited.

Images: Top: Town and Country
lft to right: group of four images: Domino
Bottom four: Domino, House Beautiful, Elle Decor, House and Garden

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