Gift Guide - for little ones

I thoroughly enjoy shopping for the little ones in my life! I find I discover more unique items on-line or in boutiques then at the mall. Here is a selection of my favorite finds this year!

1. Every child needs a set of blocks. I love watching their little creative minds in action. I prefer wooden toys over plastic ones for a slew of reasons....
2. How sweet are these booties?
3. I like to keep a few hats on hand for each of my children. I'm liking this simple pink one from Crewcuts. It looks as if it will actually stay on!
4. Books! I never tire of "new" children's books. When my life feels chaotic I try to remind myself that someday my young children won't want to snuggle up with me and read a story.
5. My daughter loves her "stuffies", as she calls them. I can't resist buying her a new one each year.
6. I like to give my children (my mom started the tradition) a new pair of pj's on Christmas Eve. I always splurge on better quality ones....
7. I love vests (I've posted about this in the past) - therefore my children also own them! ;)
8. What young child doesn't love to push "stuff" around in "things" with wheels. This cart may be under the tree for my daughter this year. This is plastic but it would work well outdoors and for the beach.
9. One word: adorable!!
10. As a designer I have a weakness for wall art. Visit this Etsy shop for an array of colorful prints.

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