Nina in NYC

I had the pleasure of spending four days in NYC last week. Working as Ace's Clark+Kensington paint line spokesperson continues to be filled with a number of great opportunities. It is an amazing experience and partnership!! Ace Hardware and all my contacts affiliated with the venture have been very positive. They are a top notch company and the Clark+Kensington paint line is wonderful! We are prepping to launch over a thousand new colors to the line next Spring! Stay tuned for all the details. I'm looking forward to sharing the news!

I spent three action packed and fun filled days meeting with the editors of the top Shelter Magazine's in the business. I also had a run in with Nina Garcia. She entered the Hearst Building when I was waiting in the lobby for my appointment. She looked as chic as you would expect so I thought it would be fun to take a peek at where she gets ready every morning! Here I've shared some photographs of her bedroom, closet and bathroom. Just look at all those fabulous blazers and vests! Wow!

Enjoy and have a great week! I also shot another television spot for Housesmarts television series. I'll be sure to share the video footage when it's available!

 All images via 

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