Life, according to my iPhone

Hi Friends...Every week this little place become harder and harder to visit. 

I apologize and hope that you dont give up on me and leave me...

or CHEAT!!!

anyways...this was my life this week acording to my phone

the newest edition to my client family is getting some sweet pillow combos

#clientawesomes bedroom is starting to come together and is gonna blow y'all minds when we wrap it up

these also happened for little dude awesome..

This stunner, I have big plans for...BIG plans

I fell in love with these chairs from World them here 

its Gardening time at Casa Lewis... so stay tuned for some "how to landscape a hillside" tutorials!

and Last but Certainly not least...
Amber Interiors and Shoppe have a new look friends!


because as of MARCH 11th 10am PST this here little blogspot will be no more!

I will be at a brand new address and I sure hope you all come visit me


I will still be blogging, still be blabbin, but just in a new home...

Tell your friend, tell your Moms, tell Errbody

we makin moves

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