Life according to my phone....

My phone tends to tell stories.... 
It tells Tall tales of a life spent looking at fancy things, sunning myself on pristine beaches, and hours and hours of free time to DIY and teach my child to ride her bike.

don't be deceived by its allure of grandeur.. 

last weeks "behind the scenes" story mainly involved a  super grumpy baby, seriously snotty tissues, and crazy overwhelmed parents

here is my jerky phones version of what happened the couple weeks.

I installed some stuff at various clients..

 a custom chair ...

some amazing art by Jenny....

some cute wallpaper...

and a couple gorgeous mirrors in a master bath

then I whipped together some pretty pillow combos from the shoppe,

 and some other pretty pillows were pulled for the most perfect of clients

 Me and the duck got inspired and started a crazy DIY project.

and I was inspired to do even more DIY after a quick visit to Anthro.
 I am gonna paint some rocks!

 My BABY learned how to ride a bike...with double pink eye and a double ear infection no less

Then to reward her we decided to take her to Disneyland...
which earned me a giant  GOLD STAR at parenting...

Then we remembered she had double pink eye and a double ear infection which made her miserable and me a giant asshole at life...especially at parenting.

sounds like a week chock full of fun and excitement.....but in reality MOST of it was spent nursing my wee one on the couch .


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