FINALLY!!!!!! a functional workspace!! do you remember what it looked like before??
you GOTTA take a look at my blog from a few months back.....
i actually stole the guest room next door to my old office-its a way bigger space with another window
before we added on to our house, this was the master bedroom. the king size bed
 was centered on the window. when i had these built-ins made, i made sure we could
still fit a king size bed in between. i love versatile rooms and we are all set just in case
this needs to be a bedroom again someday!!
and the work table? my cabinet guy- he's SOOOOO talented!! it's counter height
which is ideal for drafting....the counter stool is from cb2.

my cabinet guy is FANTASTIC!! i designed these cabinets to house my fabric samples...
the center section has a pull out for additional work surface-LOVE and so functional!!!
the fretwork doors turned out amazing and my anthropologie pulls are awesome!
love that my lamps let me see through to my drapery fabric!

 gotta have a tv.....
and framed it out with some old audubon prints that my parents gave me for
 christmas one year.

got this enormous bulletin board at ballard HUGE-i love!

my "blues" and "tans" fabric library....LOVE opening this cabinet!!

want some help redoing your house? call me!

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