Oh my...

Oh my... this space makes everything better..  I am going to vent a little... so please forgive me..

Please please everyone remember that every site and every blog has a person behind it or people.  Real people!  People who are hurt by anything rude or inappropriate that you send around about them. Anywhere.  Especially via email, these come right to the inbox- right here on my computer {hello}!  If you are going to take the time to write something and hit the send or post button you should at the very least sign it and realize that I will have a way to contact you maybe even with your very own email address.  So once again if you don't have anything nice to say please do not say anything at all, because to me and so many of us this is all very personal!  Be nice, there is no reason not to!

Okay now- is this room not totally amazing?  I love the color change on the walls I love the soft lines of the linen on the sofa and the combination of textures and pattern in the pillows.  This makes me happy!

image via

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