
I am obsessed with's a well known fact

(if you don't follow me yet the name is amberinteriors)


I like instagram a lot. 

I like it a hundred times better than Twitter  and

 I like it a million times better than Facebook (does anyone like FB anymore?)

And I always want to print out some of the pictures I take on instagram cause they always look so cool but the quality is a bit bunk from my lame ink jet printer,

well I DIED when I stumbled on THIS amazingness

It takes all your instagram photos and makes various degrees of awesomeness..

Posters, Book, Stickers, you name it!

I went poster cray cray and ordered myself 2 because they were just way to cool not too!


take a gander

So cool right???

Go get yourself a poster or a tiny book...and follow me on instagram.

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