By Invitation Only: Dream Day..

I am sure that many of you could have imagined where my dream day would take me.. Paris of course.   This time with the Mr.  we have not been to Paris together for over 10 years and I think a day spent with him there would be just dreamy.  We would wake up to this view and have our Pain au chocolat for breakfast with a tall glass of juice.

We would then wander the palace and gardens at Versailles, where he would of course take me on a row boat on the water while I relaxed and we could chat (uninterrupted- this is a luxury).

We would then picnic on the grass with baguettes, fresh fruit, cheeses and wine.  Once full we would lay back and find shapes in the passing clouds.

After a relaxing train ride back to the city we would window shop and go into some of my favorites for a real treat- Astier de Villate and always something vintage and memorable.

A nice visit to Merci would be a great idea too.. maybe a little light reading while we have a pick me up in the cafe.

A little more shopping.

A before dinner snack with a great view of the rooftops of Paris.

Finally a beautiful view of the city at sunset from Tour Eiffel.

 What do you dream of?

Please take a moment to visit the other ladies and see what their dream days hold..

images and sources can be found here if they are not belonging to moi


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