Client Sweetie Pie

Client Sweetie Pie's house is done with the construction!!!!
Wooo Hooooo...

It was a whirlwind couple weeks trying to meet a 2 week deadline, and we came in at 3 weeks...which is pretty damn close!

Here is what it looked like before...


Still during... 

 (please ignore the crappy photos)

The walls are Dunn Edwards Muslin (it's a neutral grey)
We ripped out the center weird wall thingy..
Drywalled over the bad wall paneling 
Replaced all the floors and added recessed lighting
We also closed up the weird pass through in the wall to the kitchen and opened up the ceiling in the kitchen to add some light..much better!


(again please ignore the crappy photos)

Here we added Phillip Jeffery's grass cloth in Fog to the entry wall to add some much needed texture. We painted all the trim Dunn Edwards White...its my FAVE!

Fireplace BEFORE:


the hand cut, custom pattern tile turned out really pretty..
It is Calcutta gold marble


So there is still the interiors left to do.... which will be done shortly.

Here is a peak of the fabric palette and some happenings..


Stay Tuned!!!!!!

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