Truly a Bungalow

If you read my blog with any regularity then you know I'm looking to make some positive changes in my life. I want to purge, downsize, move on etc. etc. I've had my eye on a little ranch right down the street from a great beach for some time now. My fingers are crossed that it stays on the market, and drops in price a bit. I need to finalize my long awaited DD or (damn divorce) from the X before I can make a move. If I've learned anything over the past year, it's knowing that letting go of what you cannot control, (other people's actions) will make your life much easier. I do however believe that most of my destiny is within my control! Which actually feels AMAZING.

What I post on my blog usually ties back to what's going on in my life, I don't see how it can't really.  Now on to the post + photos...I came across this darling little bungalow via M Studio Design last week. It's simple, and quaint but possess some darling design details, like the windows, the built-ins, the cozy nooks and of course that fabulous out door shower! Have a wonderful week. It's warm in Boston, so I'm a happy girl! Bring on Spring!!

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