one of my absolute favorite fabrics lines!

as we all know, there are so many elements that go into a room. fabrics are the one single most important element for myself (arguably) when designing a room. i have one line that is a top that is QUADRILLE!!

when i visit the new york d & d building in the spring and fall every year, the QUADRILLE showroom is always one of the first stops. it is the best looking showroom-sunny and bright and HAPPY because every fabric in there is a happy fabric!
my last visit in the showrom i was especially excited because i overheard the conversation of some big wig designer talking about her next spread in a major magazine.....thinking it was meg braff???-pretty HER!! and i love QUADRILLE!!
 take a look at these spaces and you will agree-these fabrics MAKE the rooms!

Interior Design by Phoebe Howard
From Phoebe Howard's Book
The Joy of Decorating

Interior Design by Fiona Newell Weeks

Interior Design by Lourdes Gutierrez

Design by Emily Ruddo
Design by Alexa Hampton

Design by Tobi Fairley

Interior Design by Phillips deVeer Interiors

Interior Design by Amanda Lindroth


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