My Loss Your Gain

So sometimes designers make booboo's

It happens to the best of us and recently I made one.....

I am guilty of underestimating the size of some dining chairs that I ordered and now after waiting 14 long weeks for them to arrive......I can't use them and now must painfully pawn them off to one of you

But that's only if your interested in getting the deal of the century!

Again with the whole, my loss your gain stuff


Item #1 up for grabs

I waited 14 weeks and paid $595 each chair, not including tax and shipping which brought the total per chair to somewhere around $685 each

Ready for this......

if you want them....

I will sell all 6 of them..... 

for the bargain basement price of...

$500 per chair!

That's a HUGE savings

 So HUGE, that I am sure I will punch myself in the teeth repeatedly later for this

If that's not enough....

I also have 2 of these chairs

Paid $399 each and waited 10 weeks. Paid $125 buck for delivery and tax..

You can steal them from me for $300 each OBO.

That's crazy good...also makes me want to bang my head on the wall

And the for the final kicker

Which was actually not a mistake, but a clients mind change that will again have you scoring big time if you pick this puppy up...

This puppy is GORGEOUS and I only wish I could use it in another clients house....

It Retails for $2850

I will let it go for 2,200 OBO.....

I better get at least a million emails to buy this stuff because

unless you find it on the side of the street somewhere, you'll never find better prices on any of these goods!

Here is what I would do if I were you and wanted to buy all this gorgeousness...

I would re-create this Windsor Smith Room for 1/3 rd of the price.


Please contact me if your interested in purchasing any of these items...
Make sure to give me your zip code so I can calculate shipping costs!

BT DUbbs

I am still in the UK....Hope you have liked the new series "Babe Behind the Blog"!!!!

Isn't it so fun getting to know bloggers ?

Have a lovely weekend and please don't forget to go shop the SHOPPE cause there is new pretties!

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