Meet the Brains of the Operation!

So a while back I got an email from a gal looking to change up her career path and start focusing on her passion for interior design.

Now normally I would not have taken a chance, but something about this gal struck me and I was intrigued

She came over one day a few months back to meet me and have a little interview and I was impressed to say the least

She was willing to intern and learn everything from the ground up.

She quickly showed me that she is extremely talented

She is the hardest worker and fastest learner

She has amazing taste

She is a real firecracker and can win over even the most difficult of vendors with a little smile

She knew nothing about CAD and knew I needed a CAD person, so she decided to just go learn it.

A couple floor plans later and she can CAD it up like a frickin' PRO

She is CRAZY CUTE....and moonlights as a stylist, and professional organizer....yep 

BOTH things I suck at, both things she does NOT suck at!

The Yin to my Yang

In an effort to constantly embarrass her and love her at the same time, I would like you to officially meet


I know right, 


As I prep for the Shoppe launch which will be happening officially 


I wanted to thank you for being patient 

Katie will be chiming in here while I am gone for a little guest blogging.

I invited some other pretty cool guest bloggers here to fill in a bit as well

 so show them some Super LOVER LOVING

also this is really getting me through

truer words have never been spoken

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