Casually Cool - Claiborne Swanson Frank

I love checking in on Vogue's, Five Days, Five Looks, One Girl,  Fashion Feature. They often show and share creative types wardrobes so the lifestyle shots rarely (if ever) disappoint. I loved contributing Vogue photographer Clairborne Swanson Franks segment. Her daily choices are approachable and realistic but still very chic! I also love the small glimpse we get of her home. It appears equally cool, with doses of pattern, lucite and leopard. ( and notice the black dining table * see trash picker post a few days ago - it looks very similar to my missed find - damn! )

I VERY much appreciate and love sassy heels and glamorous frocks with the best of them, but I'll be honest interior designers do A LOT of schlepping.  On any given day I am usually dragging arm loads of bags, rugs and who know what else around the city. And when I'm not working I'm chasing two little ones.  (no complaints on either front) The only time heels really work for me is A. for a client meeting that doesn't entail any labor and B. out for dinner and/or cocktails. (an absolute yes!)
I love this look. How tiny is she? 
And that belt!? I need one.
LOVE these classic "statement" pieces!

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