Givety Give GIVEAWAY

Who loves a GIVEAWAY?????

I DO, I DO!!!!!!!

I am sure you lovers do too so lets get straight to it...shall we

My super awesome new sponsor Tilly Maison has graciously offered up one of her fantastic Lucite trays for your taking!

No SERIOUSLY guys...Look at how freaking cute this is

I mean......adorbs, right?

You would really be doing yourself a disservice by NOT entering to win this cutie tray!

Wanna know how to win?

here's how


1) Go give Tilly Maison a "like" on Facebook HERE

2) Go follow Tilly Maison on Twitter HERE

3) Tilly Maison has a blog and you must go follow it HERE

4) I am on Twitter so follow me HERE, Earn an extra point for tweeting the giveaway!

5) Follow my blog...officially 

6) Like me on Facebook HERE. Feel free to Facebook the giveaway also!

 You have got to see what else is on Tilly Maison's Etsy shop...

Look at how awesome: 

Head on over to Tilly Maison HERE on Etsy and "favorite" her shop

Oh and Also I LOVED my "What Kinda Chicken Coop Are You" post yesterday!

I clicked on every ones profiles and mentally introduced myself to you

It's nice to put a face to a coop

It will be the new Monday thing....what do you think?

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