It's February....

How in the HELL is it February????

and why does it go so fast....


I have some REALLY GREAT new sponsors that I will be introducing you to over the next few days..

First up Elise Allen

She is one talented lady....see for yourself


Elise has graciously offered up one of her pretty paintings.

 A 6" x 6" venetian plaster and acrylics on wood panel painting.  

It is valued at $125!

How beautiful would this be nestled amongst your books on a bookshelf, or on your bedside table?


It's yours if you win, so you better get entering!

How To:

1. Go "like" Elise Allen on Face Book HERE

2. Join Elise's mailing list HERE

3. Follow Amber Interiors here on the bloggy!

4. Tweet the giveaway and follow Amber Interiors on Twitter HERE

5. Go "like" Amber Interiors on Facebook and post the giveaway on your wall HERE

I'll have my fingers crossed for you.

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