Mirror collages...

So I have been struggling with an idea for my dining room for over a year now I think... I just could not decide what it was that I wanted to do.  I have this weird window that makes the wall kind of hard to decorate.  I have debated over vintage doors, vintage mirrors, starburst mirrors all kinds of art and I just could not commit to any one thing.  So it finally has come to an end- I needed to fix it and then things just seem to fall into line.  It's always so nice when that happens.  I found this picture on Pinterest the other day and fell deeply in love!

I painted the walls in there Restoration Hardware Slate which I LOVE but the mirror I picked was just not doing it for me.  So I think I am going to give the vintage mirror/frame collage idea a go.  I originally had a reclaimed wood mirror collage.   So the clincher was when I received an email from a reader who owns a company that makes beautiful antiqued mirrors (which I have been searching for someone for a long time).  Leftbank Collection makes all types of antiqued mirrors which is perfection for this little project of mine as I can vary the style of the mirrors so they look collected over time and I can fit them to some vintage frames too.

I have always wanted to do this somewhere.. now I just have to find the right spot!

I love love the plain jane mirror here... so me!  I will definitely need to use one of these.

I am so excited!!!  I am going to see what I can find at the flea market over the next few months and fill in from there. 


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