the calm before....

You ask what does a single mommy of two little ones do to unwind? She visits Pinterest or blog surfs at 9 pm. I'm often too tired to do much after working all day and then getting the kids fed and ready for bed but some nights I need a mindless escape. I love to read but I usually can't get through more then five pages without drifting off to sleep. Tonight I came across this precious nursery while cruising through pinterest. The style is a bit more country inspired then I'm usually drawn to but I thought all the elements were precious. It's also so neat and orderly isn't it? 
Keeping a 21 month old and four year olds' room clean and organized is no easy task!  Honestly, my son runs through the house like a hurricane. It's insane! This nursery is by designer Amy Meier, read more about it here.  Hopefully she'll have better luck then I usually do at containing the chaos. (ps. I should really be picking up my house right now, but there's always tomorrow night for that. ;) )

Framed Shel Silverstein Poems. I love this idea! I've always adored that polar bear...

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