New client

I LOVE my new client, let's call her "E"!  I rully rully LOVE HER!! 

The main reason is that she gets it....does that make sense?

Sometimes clients don't understand interior design {especially my style of interior design}. 
Sometimes clients don't understand things like pink and coral and turquoise or rugs on top of rugs.
Sometimes clients think that Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware our your only options of decorating resources.
Well THANKS TO THE INTERIOR DESIGN GODS this lovely Mama of 1 has found me and we are gonna design the SHIT outta her extremely beautiful house..
No seriously, she gets it all!  She read blogs, she knows her fabric and she uses PINTREST!!! 

Ok I will stop lovin on "E" before I embarrass myself.

Here are a couple of sneaky peeks of her house 

"before shots"

OH MANNNNN, I can't wait for this house to get the AI treatment!

Oh yeah as if I couldn't love this house is about 2 minutes away from my Best Friends the beach!

Like I said, match made in heaven!!!

I have been on an awesome clients streak....if your awesome and you wanna be my client lets keep this ball rollin shall we!

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