Thanks for the mentions.....And some more progress

I had the pleasure of meeting the sweet and talented Nicole of So Haute blog a few months back. She contacted me to do an interview and come see my newly remodeled home. At the time of the meeting I had literally JUST decided to go out on my own in this design world. I was really shocked when she contacted little ole me cause it was kinda my first interview as a "designer" out on my own trying to make a name for myself. We did a walk through my house and here are some of the shots she got. Go take a look at the post and report back to me. 

In other news, I have been busting my balls to get my "outdoor room" job done before the wedding, which will be happening in this very backyard on Wednesday......Hold on a second, let me repeat myself.... I am designing/planning a wedding event, flowers, food, everything as well as trying to finish this MAJOR outdoor room project...Oh yeah and if I haven't told you, I have other clients and a 2 year old, a husband, a dog, a cat, AND a brand new business. Most days I ask myself "now, why the hell did I take on all of these jobs again?

Here is some more progress, I am still a ways away form being done....No budget to change the color of the existing outdoor sectional, still waiting for the most beautiful zinc and cedar dining well as swagged outdoor fabric on the ceiling of the pregola.

ALSO, According to you lovers, you would like to see my daily outfits and turn them into rooms.....I am gonna go for it and if I suck its all YOUR fault.

Love you Mean It

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