Fabric World

I am on the hunt for fab fabs for my new client in Santa Monica. Yesterday I perused around the Pacific Design Center in Sunny Boiling Hell Style Heat West Hollywood and also made my rounds to a few of my favorite haunts. Here is a couple of sneaky peaks of my day yesterday...Oh and BTW I walked into the NOW famed Hollywood at Home store and no shit Kathryn M Ireland stormed in like a whiz collecting fabrics. I have seen her out in about in this here little town tons of times...this design community is a 6 degrees a separation type of place.... but it was just me, my design assistant extraordinaire, and K Ire. Cool. Kinda.

Spotted this little number from Raoul Textiles.

Then I came home after pillaging every fabric in the entire design center and laid it all out in my living room. 

Stella the Cat made herself comfortable

I rolled around in it like Demi Moore did with money in Indecent Proposal, except I am less hot and this was fabric not 100 dollar bills...which was weird.
Then I realized it was about midnight and I needed to start pulling my serious collection of fabric porn together instead of just making piles by color and chaos. 

Then I woke up this morning and am going to start all over again.... I LOVE MY JOB!!!!

You can hire me to get fabric and roll around in it.

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