Outfit turned room with The Southern Eclectic

Before I get into this next outfit turned room inspiration, I want get sappy and give you lovers a little personal thank you note.

I started this blog not really knowing what I was doing. I had read blogs and followed them for a year or so and always had this idea in my head that the ladies and fellas that authored theses snazzy blogs were probably really "cool" and obviously had tons of interesting stuff to talk about. I didn't quite know what I had to bring to the table. They were pseudo-celebrities in my eyes and I was convinced that all of them had unicorns for pets and sunshine beaming out of there butts and would never give little ole me the time of day. Well, once I decided to grow a pair and dive head first into the shallow end of the bloggin pool, I was stunned at how wrong I was. Some of the "coolest" and most "un-touchable" bloggers were the absolute nicest, and when I started emailing people and telling them to check me out I had the warmest response. There were a few crabby apples that at first never gave me the time of day and then once I upped my "street-cred" started being friendly to me..{BTW These to cool for school bloggin queens that shall remain nameless can suck it!} I continue to be over-whelmed by the number of amazing bloggers that are out there willing to be wonderful and always friendly. They have made this whole experience so awesome and FUN to keep coming back and playin this game.  

On January 22 of this year I had 4 followers, all of whom I knew personally and begged to follow me so my blog looked cooler. Fast forward to today and I couldn't be more floored and humbled. I am not curing disease or writing about anything really that important, but I have some real loyal readers that like what I have to say and that's pretty great. I know it's not about the numbers at all but I want to thank each and every one of you "lovers" for continuing to come back, continuing to comment, and continuing to spread the word about this here bloggy blog. I read every single one of your comments and appreciate you taking the time to write them. OK?

 Love you mean it.

 Great let's move on shall we?

What sparked this whole rant was the lovely{seriously she's beautiful}Sheridan French ,of The Southern Eclectic blog, who sent me a sweet email the other day introducing herself and offering to do a little outfit turned room post. I had never heard of her blog so I checked it out and I got stuck reading it for literally an HOUR. Just when I think I was tapped out on blogs and bored, BAAAM , she smacks me upside my head with funny writing and great fashion. Ladies and Lovers if you do not know of this lady you must go introduce yourself to The Southern Eclectic.


Hello fabulous readers!!

I am thrilled to be contributing to Amber's new Outfit to Room series! This Elegant Bohemian look embodies my own personal style - mixing all sorts of goodies of varying price ranges to achieve a perfectly eclectic look. 

Just a little bit about myself: I am a wife, mommy of two under two {and already thinking about #3...hi my name is Sheridan and I am completely insane}, have my own clothing line - Sheridan French - and also run a blog, The Southern Eclectic, that showcases my life, style, love for interior design and adventures in motherhood, among other things. I would looooove for you to stop by! Any friend of Amber's is a friend of mine :) 

See you there!
xoxo Sheridan


My Turn!


Last day to enter the Jewelry Giveaway so go here to enter if you haven't already! New sponsors are also going up tomorrow so make sure to click on over and buy stuff!

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