Outfit turned room with LUELLA and JUNE

Hey Lovers, Can I get a hootie hoot for a New Series in the House!!!!!
It's no secret I love to oogle me some fashion, mainly because I personally don't really have a clue in this department. I mean I can pick cool stuff, but dressing myself in the morning always ends in leggings and an old navy V-neck. Yes folks my glamorous cover has been blown!
Anywhoo, I love ladies who can blog about fashion so I have decided to start inviting them on over to AID to help me with my outfit turned room looks. 
Sound fun? 
Alrighty then lets introduce the series virgins..... 


I am loving the red and neutral with the pops of gold. It's purty.
Now here is my lame ass interpretation. 


So stay tuned for more of these series posts. They are totally fun and I like to do them.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway here either!

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