Giveaway and a Guest Post

I am over on La Dolce Vita today guest posting my "Dream Home". Please go take a looksy loo and tell me what ya'll lovers think. 

I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was sick again. Literally I feel like I have had one ailment or the other for almost 3 months. It's kinda true what they say. When you have a little one you just get sick constantly. They bring home germs all the time from the park the playground the playgroups whatever. We have all been bombarded in our house, especially Momma so my bloggin skills have been crap at best. For all your patience I have decided that you lovers have been so good to me you deserve a little GIVEAWAY!!!!!

You get your pick of the loot which is even better!!!!!

This one:

Or this one:

Hmmmm pretty hard choice huh!

OK So here is the rules and How to Enter:
{each of the below need a separate comment}

* Leave me a comment here telling me which piece you love and would like to have when you win!
* Tell all your friends to follow and make sure you tell me who they are.
* Follow me on Twitter
* Get a friend to follow me on twitter and tell me who they entry per friend. That's big time!
* Blog,Tweet, or Facebook this giveaway and let me know you did it.
* Go and add Delezhen to your favorite shops on Etsy.
* Like her Facebook Page and Post the giveaway on her wall.
* Follow her on twitter and tell her I sent Ya! 

Giveaway ends June 20th so get crazy folks!

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