DIY Senegalese Storage Baskets

I love these baskets, but with the hefty price tag of $150 bucks I wasn't about to spend that kinda moola on a thing I throw poop covered kid clothes into. So what does one do when they want to find a cheap alternative to something fab.....

First: head to Home Goods
Second: Spray Paint the shit outta it!

The Inspiration:

I found this basket at Home Goods a while ago and I liked the shape of it. It was $59.99 so I snagged it up!

I decided to go with just a simple zig zag pattern.
 I taped the shape out.

I then took a paint brush with a bit of white paint on it and dry brushed it on to make the zig zag shape.

removed the tape

Even though I liked the way this looked just in the natural neutral tones I wanted to punch it up a bit so I taped back over the painted zig zags and sprayed some "Berry Pink" Painters Touch over the entire thing.

I left my paint a bit blotchy so it looked more natural and antiqued..

and Walla!

I tried and although I Still like the real ones better...mine will have to do for now.

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