searching for...

My 15 month old daughter is a climber. Currently she's taken to climbing the open shelves in my kitchen, so I need to make a change quickly. It's not safe for her or my dishes. I'm on the hunt for a "find". The perfect piece would have a {Chippendale - esque} feel and with glass front cabinets. I would love to line them in something similar to the Griffin and Wong paper pictured below!! {as you've most likely noticed I love green and this paper is gorgeous!} I actually found a piece on Craig's list last week. I even traveled to see it but it needed quite a bit of work. I'm not sure I have the time to cut new veneer pieces. I'm most likely going to paint it, so If I'm thinking about that particular piece in a week, I'll call them back. It looked very similar to the second image but it was a cabinet not a secretary. I'll be sure to share my final find and the before and after photos.

 Images: Windsor Smith, Ruthie Sommers, C. Bell, Circa Who, Griffin and Wong

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