Paris Love.. guest post:Si from French by Design

While in Paris I thought it would be fun to have some of our fellow bloggers share their love for the city with us.  Si from French by Design will be in Paris for part of my visit as well!  We are hoping to meet up while we are there! Please enjoy her lovely recommendations for this amazing city...

Bonjour! This is Si from FrenchByDesign! I am a French girl living on the East coast USA and enjoying my expatriate life here… But of course, I miss France and my friends there, so poor me, I have to go back there often to recharge my batteries [and eat stinky cheese but that’s another post…]

Christina is headed to Paris, ah Paris, the City of Lights… Just the name makes me want to sing Edith Piaf’s “La vie en Rose”… Such a romantic place… I lived in Paris for 5 years when I was a student. There were great parts about life there, but as always you don’t enjoy things when you have them around all year. I probably walked by the Eiffel Tower a hundred times while living there and barely noticed the lady. Now, when I go visit Paris, my friends make fun of me because I literally stop and stare at her for a few minutes. They say I’m weird. But then again, they might be right…
So Christina, here is a piece of advice for you… If you want to look and behave like a true Parisian, don’t stare at Madame Eiffel. But do go visit her late at night and wait for the 20 000 lights to come off, around 2 AM, it's quite magical to say "bonne nuit" to the Eiffel Tower. Also, go get yourself an ice cream cone at Berthillon, my favorite ice cream shop in the city or a Nutella crepe made right in front of you Rue de Caumartin. And block a day to visit the Marais, my favorite quarter in Paris. Tiny paved streets with independent clothing designer shops or interior design concept stores. And of course, have a croissant every morning. Calories don’t count while you’re in Paris! Bon voyage!


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