Blue Monday

Happy Monday lovers....It's been a blue kinda weekend for me. Not cause I am sad. Or because I have my giant 30th birthday coming up in 115 days...or because my little girl is going to be 2 or because Oprah is going off the air. No, No, No, none of these things are the cause for my blue Monday.

The fu***king color Blue is the damn cause of my blue Monday because it is driving me to insanity. I am seeing it everywhere, and I feel like If I don't upholster something in blue velvet I am going to have to scratch my skin off. 
I unfortunately don't have much to re-upholster around these parts except my Bed headboard.... which, if you ask me is as good a candidate as any to make my new blue velvet moment. I am going to upholster and tuft the shit out of it and that's that. I will OWN it!

After seeing all these pictures how could I NOT? 

The headborad I wanna re-upholster is actually one of Nate's Headboardzzz from HSN and they are actually not that crap. I got the plain white one....I shoulda bought the blue tufted velvet one instead... here

Some more greatness..nothing to do with Nate Berkus or Headboards..just other thing like benches and couches I could potentially upholster in Blue Velvet.

I joined Pintrest!! UserName:AmberInteriors ( i am sure all of your lovers are saying "DUH" Amber where the hell have you been?)