Back in Blog Biz!

Back from the desert and all though I have been gone it's been a busy time on the ol Bloggy. In case you haven't noticed there has been some changes over here at AID.  I got a blog re-model and I LOVE IT!

Let me first start off by saying something a little about this whole process before I met Jonalynn. It was a weird and headache inducing experience to say the least. I didn't have much luck at first and I felt like finding the right fit for a blog designer was damn near impossible. I quickly came to realize that a lot of "graphic designers" or "blog designers" have an ambiguous job title....they design the blog but then you have to go to another person to "Code" the whole thing for you. After it's all said and done its about a trillion dollars for a couple of phone calls and a "mock-up" and that's not including that you then have to go pay said"Coder" to install the whole thing for you?????

Anyways, fast forward to about 3 weeks or so ago and in cyber walks Jonalynn. I feel so absolutely blessed to have stumbled upon Jonalynn and her amazing blog Turn Up The Rad. I liked how bright and colorful her blog was and sent her an email asking her who her blog designer was???....It was HER, by herself, all designed up and coded! I begged for her assistance and she was more than happy to help me.  She is a super sweet, super talented, secret superstar that you all must know about. She is a graphic design genius AND she coded my whole blog with no hidden fees or forwarded emails to outside sources.. She is a one stop shop and was really a pleasure to work with. She listened to EVERYTHING I said and literally understood it with no problems whatsoever. 

Please go visit her and let her know what you think of my blog re-design....I wanna hear what you all think of my new digs also. BTW she has a design shop as well!! go HERE to see.

or here

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