Is mercury in retrograde?

The duck or I have zero clue what the hell "Mercury in Retrograde" means but basically we have decided  that this must be the explanation for why we just had the weirdest weekend in the history of weird weekends. The planets must be out of line and the world must have stopped turning on it's axis to make it so that this last weekend the crappiest plumbers on the planet decided to screw with us.
 Let me first start by telling you to NEVER EVER hire a plumber without a direct recommendation from someone you know that have personally used the company before. I am not in the business of saying bad things about trades people and most of the time I think it's in extremely poor taste....however this company FISHER PLUMBING IN SIMI VALLEY are the biggest A-hole, rip-off, imbeciles I have ever had the displeasure of working with. I can't even write about it without steam shooting out of my ears. I am not gonna get to wordy and long winded about this particular debacle but I will say this experience has taught me a valuable lesson. Bigger does not mean better and if some jerk with a fancy van  tells you on the phone that they are so well trained they could re plumb your entire home in only a few hours for a very low low price.. that is your cue to hang up the phone and never call them back! 
In order to forget about this terrible weekend that has left us another WEEK without a frikin stove, I have been drooling over various pretty interiors. Nothing has anything to do with what happened this weekend but at least it's pretty!

Check Em!

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