Bedroom inspiration

Right now I am working on the lovely Amy's bedroom design...  She gave me these two photos as her inspiration.  Let me tell you this girl knows what she likes.. even thought these pictures are from very different homes they have the same feeling.  

I am wondering- can you pinpoint your likes and dislikes?  Do you know what you love?  Can you choose a picture or five and really have them have the same feeling in each one without really realizing it?  Do you know what it is about those inspiration pictures that makes you long for the spaces with in them?  I would love to hear what you think and see what you love.  Do me a favor~ if you want to~ post a picture of your favorite inspirational rooms on our facebook page and tell us all what it is about the room or space that makes it so important to you.. a little designer challenge for all of you!!

P.S. Don't forget today is the last day to enter to win a RAMSIGN piece for your home!

images via the Holiday and elle decor

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