Dan Marty then...
Dan Marty is one of my all time favorite designers and shop keepers and has been for a very long time. At one time he owned a shop in Costa Mesa called Les Interiors and that is where I feel in love. His look makes me feel comfortable and alive. Yesterday I came across an old publication that showed his home when he lived in Orange County. (I am sorry it was just a torn out piece with no label on it.) To look at his home then and now is really fun. He carried so many of his treasures over and I love that. Things can look wonderful mixed and moved. The bottle collections and the lamps and don't forget the beautiful bamboo bed that has a new look. The thing is that I still love the old look too. Just amazing the slight progression but not a major change like we often see with designers. I am looking forward to the opportunity to see his new store in LA. Maison au Natural I am sure it is just wonderful too!
images via victoria mag and house beautiful