Have a cozy + warm day..hopefully this deep freeze across the U.S. will end soon, {it's exactly 0' in Boston today} and if you reside in a warmer climate, lucky you ;) !!
I'm loving all the White House decor press right now, which administration's design scheme do you love? Cast your vote at
Domino. BTW, How lucky is designer, Michael S. Smith?

So the latest is that, hysterically funny, Steve Carell has purchased the Marshfield Hills General Store, a 1/2 from the home where I grew up, word is he's going to revamp the entire building, which surely could use some
tlc. When I'm home I'll be sure to take photos and update you on the progress...{I may even drop him a line with my business card, maybe they could use some design direction} hmm that's a thought maybe I could hold some sort of contest....inspiration boards for an old fashioned general store...could be fun, what do you think???
Images: top superstock, White House photos via Domino, Boston Globe