Image: Domino Mag.
I've always had an affinity for furry, four legged creatures. I don't own a farm, so I opt to decorate with my finds here and there, around my home.
Simply add some greens or berries to your year round or holiday collection for a festive flair!!

Image: Domino Mag.

Image: Domino Mag.
John Derian for Target, currently available online
Precious deer dish available at Venucci

Image + directions: Domino Mag.

Love this black rendition, it looks as if he's just strolled out of the woods and into this living room
Image: Domino Mag.
Print: Hadley Hutton, The Twilight available at Velocity Art and Design
Deer bottle stoppers, would add a fun touch to your bar, liquor bottles, available through Rose and Radish
An elegant porcelain pair - ZGallerie